Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week Twelve Prompt

The Readers' Advisory Matrix

“My Friend Dahmer” by John “Derf” Backderf
  1. Where is the book on the narrative continuum? Highly narrative (reads like fiction)
  2. What is the subject of the book? Serial Killer - Jeffrey Dahmer
  3. What type of book is it? Graphic Novel/Memoir
  4. Articulate Appeal:
    1. What is the pacing of the book? Fast Paced 
    2. Describe the characters of the book? The main characters are high school boys. Mainly, Jeffrey Dahmer who is dark and twisted.  The other characters can be described as pretty normal high school boys.
    3. How does the story feel? The story feels dark and sad.  Strangely the book makes you feel sad for Jeffrey Dahmer the child, who clearly needed attention and help.
    4. What is the intent of the author? To educate readers on the pre-serial killer life of Jeffrey Dahmer, and maybe to gain a little perspective on how he became the notorious serial killer we know today.
    5. What is the focus of the story? Jeffrey Dahmer.
    6. Does the language matter?  The language in this book is short and sweet, because it is a graphic novel.  The language allows for the story to flow quickly.
    7. Is the setting important and well-described? The setting of this book is very important because it gives the reader insight as to the life Jeffrey Dahmer was leading as a teenage boy.  It is very well described and illustrated. 
    8. Are there details, and if so, what? Lots of details about Jeffrey Dahmer’s life in high school and at home.
    9. Are there sufficient charts and other graphic materials? Are they useful and clear? This memoir is a graphic novel, so it is full of graphic materials.  They are very useful, clear and well illustrated.  It makes for the story to flow better and also allows the reader insight into the characters emotions through facial expression (or lack there of with Dahmer’s character). 
    10. Does the book stress moments of learning, understanding, or experience? All three; Learning about Dahmer’s childhood, a little understanding into how he became who he became (not completely... there’s no excuse for the person he became!!!), and experiencing high school and Dahmer through the eyes of the author, who attended school with Dahmer and occasionally hung around him. 
  5. Why would a reader enjoy this book?
    1. Characters
    2. Storyline
    3. Illustrations