I, for one, am a huge fan and supporter of celebrity inspired book clubs. When I’m struggling to find something to read, I’ll google “Reese Witherspoon + Book Club” and see her latest picks and suggestions. As the article Celebrity Book Clubs Create Virtual Reading Community by Angela Liao noted, she also has an Instagram page for her book club recommendations, which I happen to follow. Never for once second had I questioned her motive behind posting these books publicly. Reese Witherspoon is a producer, an actor, and an avid reader. She isn’t posting these books so that she “looks intelligent” to her followers — she IS intelligent. I’m also certain she is posting about books that she loved in order to see how many other people feel the same about a certain book. As a producer of films and television series, this is an intelligent move for her. Not only is she getting her fans to read more often, but she is also planning for future moves in her career.
Also, if celebrity book clubs are getting more people reading books... then I’m 100% for that.