Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week 11: Prompt Response

I personally love e-books. I love how I can keep an entire library in purse and bust it out whenever I want to. I also love physical books. I love having books covering my bookshelves at home. I love looking at them, seeing them, and smelling them (yea, I'm weird). I know a lot of people who avoid e-books because they don't want to give up physical books, and I say why can't we have both? A library on the go and a library at home? I don't think reading an e-book affects a persons knowledge of the genre at all. Why would it? It's the same thing, just more compact and portable. I think having the ability to change the font, spacing, and color of text is beneficial to readers because not everybody reads the same way. It's nice to be able to customize the book to your liking, and I think it helps a persons ability to read it quicker. Large Print lovers can make any book large print, rather than waiting for the Large Print to become available at the library.

I know a lot of people who prefer audiobooks to e-books because they feel like they can listen easier than they can read. It's nice to have the ability to "read" while driving or even at work.  I began listening to Amy Poehler's Yes, Please! because I heard it's more fun to listen to the author read the book to you.  I thought it was funny, but didn't finish it in my rental period time (too much rewinding) and never went back to it.  I think a lot of people enjoy listening to comedians reading their books
because it is a little like listening to a comedy show.  I personally do not have much experience with audiobooks and I have a harder time finishing them than e-books. I think it's easier for me to get distracted while listening, and then have to rewind and listen again. I honestly think I've never finished an audiobook in its entirety before. One of my close girlfriends is the complete opposite, and will not read books, she will only listen to the audiobook format. To each their own!


  1. Rebecca,

    Totally not weird to smell books. I was the weird little kid that did that in the book store. I still do sometimes when no one is watching, lol. People love the new car smell but it ain't got nothing on the that new book smell. I use all three. I like ebooks for travel. less wait in the suitcase and you can bring multiple books with you. I usually only read one while on vacation but I like the comfort of knowing I have more if I need them. Audiobooks are great for the car because the distractions are limited most of the time. I personally like them while I'm grocery shopping by myself. People look at me weird when I laugh at clever banter in the story, but that doesn't bother me. I kind of enjoy it actually.

    1. I agree - nothing tops the smell of a book!! I feel like if I were to listen to a book while grocery shopping, I would end up forgetting a lot of the items I went to the grocery store for!!

  2. You made an EXCELLENT point that ANY book in the eBook form can be made into large print; no waiting for the physical book to be released. I think that is a huge benefit. My mother is a Pink Lady at our hospital and notices a lot on the nursing home floor use ereaders. The feedback she gets is that it is easier to see, easier to hold the device, and being able to "turn" pages is easier due to arthritic fingers. I personally like that all forms are useful and there really is something for everyone!

    1. My grandma LOVED reading books on her iPad. The ease of purchasing or renting a book and immediately having it in her possession was the best thing ever for her. She was unable to leave the house, so this was very convenient to her, so I can understand e-readers being a hit at the nursing homes!

  3. I haven't tried it myself,but I cannot imagine listening to an audiobook and drive at the same time.I do multitask, but I just think it is hard to give both my undivided attention. I would probably zone out and not pay attention to the road. I can understand listening to an audiobook if I were doing some mumdane project like cleanning house or doing dishes or going for a walk, becasue I could focus my attention to the narration without worrying about whatelse I was doing.
    I totally agree you do not have to give up the paper book, but just add the ebook or audiobook for when you need them.

    1. I feel the same way about driving and listening to audiobooks, but one of my coworkers mentioned how it’s exactly the same thing as me listening to my morning radio show on the way to work (shout out to Eric In The Morning with Melissa & Whip!) and it sort of blew my mind. I’m able to listen to the talk show while driving, why wouldn’t I be able to listen to a book!? I’ll try it out and get back to you! :)

  4. I also realized through writing my response to this prompt that large print books essentially become unnecessary when the reader can change the settings to their specific needs. I think it's great! I like audiobooks for my commute, but it has to be the right audiobook. Books with a ton of important details generally don't work as audiobooks for me.

    1. That makes sense!! The details get lost when you’re focused on something else. I think I should try listening to an audiobook before bed. I have a hard time falling asleep without the TV on, but maybe an audiobook would replace the TV for me.

  5. Hi,

    Personally I like the familiar musty smell of old books and the fresh ink smell of new books! Knowledge of the genre is enhanced with additional opportunities for reading and experiencing a book. I've had the same issue with finishing an audiobook. The stopping, restarting, and remembering (!) are interruptions that affect me more when I listen to a book than when I have it in hand. I guess there will always be trade offs!

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone in the ‘smelling books’ department!

  6. I too am a booksmeller! You make a good point, why not use all formats? You don't have to pick just one, they all work well in different scenarios! Great job and full points!

  7. I smell books too!! I do agree to your points on the audiobook as well, especially when on a long commute. Thanks for your perspective on audiobooks and the e-books, has given me another perspective, which I greatly appreciate.
